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For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.
Colossians 1:13 NIV

Regular Ministry

OAC Evangelists around N.Z. are regularly sharing the gospel through

  • Open air programs

  • Personal evangelism

  • Holiday programs & youth events

  • Door to door visitation

  • Prison work

  • Retirement home visits

  • University outreaches

               and anywhere else we can.​

Volunteer with us

If you have time that you would like to spend spreading the gospel, consider volunteering with OAC.   Flick us a note and we'll get back to you shortly.



Heidi's Story

As life was, I enjoyed it, growing up in a Christian home and attending church every week. I felt God was true and eternity a certainty, but something was not real to me. It was something I could base my life upon.


That mission experience, a first for me, changed my life. In a make-shift Coffee Bar, team members sat explaining 'Creation' to a group of teens and spoke about Jesus as someone who was alive and personal to them. Somehow, everything clicked that night. I realised God was real, alive and calling me to Himself.


All my doubts and fears vanished. I felt the most incredible peace and a totally new person! Life began to take on fresh meaning. I made lasting friendships with that Auckland team and discovered that leading someone to Christ is the biggest 'buzz' ever!


I really want to encourage you to get involved in a summer mission.


It really changes lives. It did mine.


- Heidi

We Need Your Support Today!

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